I have so many interesting stories about challenges and obstacles I’ve encountered over the years as well as I how I have and continue to navigate the medical system as an advocate for myself and all those who do not or are unable to voice their needs. My experiences can easily fill several books and “than some”.
Yet, right here, right now, I am not sitting before you to share these stories. These will come, slowly but surely, they will make the transition from my mind to some written form documenting my experience.
For now, I am solely reaching out to everyone to express gratitude for my family, to my neighbors, my small town community and even to my various crafting and MyIntent maker communities. All have in some way performed actions demonstrating their desire to help and provide support to one another during theses trying and uncertain times.
I am going to take a moment to switch from my gratitude of others and their selfless acts to self care.Why the quick change over, shortening my topic of gratitude? It’s a simple answer... it’s almost 2:00 am . I’m writing this alongside my son as he finally falls into a deep sleep. After a long day, I’m exhausted but choose to share a moment of gratitude to a teacher and Mindfulness instructor, Shannon Kelley. She tried her best today to host a zoom meetup but due to technical challenges was unable to do so. Rather than giving up, she thought outside the box and created a podcast. Though the beginning refers to the inability to host today’s meetup, I’m certain, you the listener will be able to relate to the message on the whole.
I am grateful for the calming guidance and imagery of this meditation and the “lift” I felt following this short meditation. I will admit despite the benefits I personally received from the meditation, I am most THANKFUL for the calming effect it had on my 10 year old son who was extremely hoper this evening and unable to settle down.
Shortly after this meditation began and he started to follow the directions for the breathing and “centering” activities, he began to settle down. A few minutes later he was calmly breathing and listening to Ms. Kelley’s words. Before I knew it the boy who was literally jumping up and down but 20 minutes earlier was sound asleep.
Self care is an extremely important topic, especially those who like me may be ”sheltered in place“ with young and very energetic children. (I am slowly working on a list of sites for activities for the kiddos at home. We may start showcasing once a week some of our projects and creations.)
I will not lie, for me these have been and are times filled with anxiety; partly because of my preexisting conditions and partly because of my increased pain as I am not able to access my regular treatment. I will say, I am grateful to Ms. Kelley for the free session this evening. I specifically mention her, as Ms. Kelley’s studio closed due to the shelter in place orders. She plans to offer free programs or podcasts in the future. Though she is not charging anything for this service, I do encourage those that are able to, donate directly to Shannon Kelley to help offset the financial challenges of the closed doors.
I have included the link to this evening‘s podcast. I suggest you listen all the way through following her guides for relaxatio.
I would be remiss if I failed to mention Chris Pan and the MyIntent team that has created a resource of free and accessible self care videos and meetups. The Myintent team has come up with a very inclusive list of groups and self help programs.All of which are bing provided free of charge. Please check out https://www.Myintent.org/free
I have so much to share with you all! Of course, as I have other obligation it will be a slow process. In the meantime, I would like to encourage all of you to find your personal silver lining in the center of this madness.
For me, it’s easy, the connectivity with my community locally, familia, friends and with my advocacy groups grown exponentially! In addition seeing how many people are working and/or volunteering to help others is heartwarming.
On that note, I wish you all a wonderful night /morning.
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